Respect for Human Rights
Basic Approach to and Policy on Human Rights
Tokio Marine Group has considered “protecting customers and society in times of need” to be its purpose since its founding. The insurance business has been called a “people’s business,” and everything about insurance comes from the trust created by people. As we continue with our business, we must earn the trust of customers, employees and local residents and respect the human rights of all people.
As an insurance company, we are connected with customers, stakeholders, and other rightsholders from a broad range of industries. Our impact on society is not minor. Every employee who comes into contact with customers and society must remain aware of the importance of respecting human rights and put this into action. To this end, Tokio Marine Group formulated the Tokio Marine Group Basic Policy on Human Rights and the Responsible Procurement Guidelines based on related principles such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, ILO International Labour Standards, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and UN Global Compact.
With the mission of providing customers and local communities with safety and security and protecting them against risks, we need to understand how our business activities are directly or indirectly connected to human rights and how they can impact human rights. Accordingly, we provide education to employees of Group companies and increase their awareness. In fiscal 2022, we formulated a human rights risk map to assess our impact on human rights in Japan, clarified the area that should be prioritized and urgently addressed, conducted a study on those areas and implemented concrete measures.
If there is a possibility that human rights will be negatively affected, we implement measures to prevent it. When a human rights issue occurs, which should not happen in the first place, we need a system in place to ensure that the problem is reported by the workplace to top management so that it can be addressed immediately. For this purpose, Tokio Marine Group has now established a “Global Stakeholders Hotline” for external stakeholders to submit their grievances and concerns relating to human rights violations. For details, please proceed here.
Amid the rapid changes in the external environment, it is not possible to complete a system for respecting human rights in our business activities and extensive value chain overnight. Nevertheless, we strongly believe that the management team should attentively listen to the voices of rightsholders and other stakeholders and continue to discuss the approaches and processes needed to do so. Each employee should also be more sensitive of human rights and, in cooperation with business partners, promote responsible procurement initiatives. Sharing a strong commitment to upholding human rights, we will continue these initiatives step by step. This should enable us to earn the trust of customers, local communities (residents), the employees of different organizations and other stakeholders.
Tokio Marine Group’s Business Activities and Their Impact on Human Rights
Tokio Marine Group’s business activities (business domains) can be classified into three domains, namely “insurance underwriting, investments and financing,” “value chain” and “Direct operations.” The table below shows the rightsholders, human rights issues (e.g., negative impacts on human rights) and our response regarding the issues in each of these business activities (domains).

Tokio Marine Group’s main business activity is providing customers and society with safety and security through insurance underwriting. The table below shows issues relating to rightsholders and human rights (e.g., a negative impact on human rights) in the flow of insurance operations.

Human Rights-Related Policy
In implementing our Corporate Philosophy, we have formulated the Tokio Marine Group Sustainability Charter as principles of conduct required from the perspective of social responsibility, and strive to respect human rights for all people, including customers, shareholders/investors, insurance agents, business partners, employees, local communities/society and future generations. The insurance business, which forms the core of Tokio Marine Group’s business, has been called a “people’s business,” and respect for human rights forms the basis for its sustainable growth.
Tokio Marine Holdings endorses and respects the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, ILO Core Labour Standards, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and ISO 26000, and has signed the United Nations Global Compact. Tokio Marine Group fully understands international action principles and guidelines concerning human rights and participates in and contributes to initiatives concerning social responsibility, and by doing so, fulfills its role toward realizing a sustainable society.
Tokio Marine Group Sustainability Charter (excerpt)
Tokio Marine Group is committed to fulfilling its corporate social responsibility (CSR) by implementing its Corporate Philosophy to achieve sustainable growth together with the development of society in accordance with the following principles:
Respect for Human Rights and Dignity
We respect and actively promote the recognition of human rights for all people.
We strive to ensure an energetic working environment that is both safe and healthy and to promote training and education of our employees.
We respect the right to privacy and strive to enforce this right through the management of personal information.
Tokio Marine Group Basic Policy on Human Rights
As our Corporate Philosophy states, with customer trust as the foundation for all its activities, Tokio Marine Group (the “Group”) continually strives to raise corporate value. The foundation for implementing this Corporate Philosophy is respect for the human rights of all people, such as customers, society (including business partners and civil society organizations), employees, shareholders and investors, and future generations, and we are committed to respecting human rights across all of our business activities. The Tokio Marine Group Basic Policy on Human Rights (the “Policy”) is based on the Corporate Philosophy and Code of Conduct and outlines our approach to respecting human rights throughout our business activities, including our entire value chain.
Each officer and employee (including temporary staff) of Tokio Marine Group's companies is expected to act in line with this Policy to ensure that our business activities comply with the Group human rights commitment.
We also expect our business partners to support and practice the principles expressed in this Policy and aim to work together toward the promotion of respect for human rights.
1. Our Commitment to Respect Human Rights
Tokio Marine Group is committed to respect human rights as stipulated in the International Bill of Human Rights*1 and the ILO’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and the Rights at Work.*2 We also support international standards such as the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and will base our efforts on these principles. We are also a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact and support its ten principles.
Tokio Marine Group does not tolerate any form of forced or compulsory labor, human trafficking, child labor, discrimination or harassment, or any other conduct that undermines human dignity. We also respect fundamental rights concerning freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining in accordance with applicable local laws and regulations.
Tokio Marine Group respects human rights in its business activities including insurance underwriting and investment and financing through the signing and supporting of, among others, the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEPFI), the Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI) and the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). We also endeavor to address human rights issues, where possible, through the provision of insurance products as well as investment and financing.
Tokio Marine Group shall comply with applicable laws and regulations in the countries and regions in which it operates. If requirements of the local laws and regulations are in conflict with internationally recognized human rights, we will seek ways to honor the principles of internationally recognized human rights while complying with local laws and regulations.
The Board of Directors of Tokio Marine Holdings are informed of the compliance status of this Policy and has overseeing responsibility of the Group’s human-rights-related efforts. Each department of each Group company promotes activities related to respect for human rights in a proactive manner and in cooperation with one another.
*1The International Bill of Human Rights is the name given for the set of three documents: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and its corresponding two international treaties, namely the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
*2The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work sets forth four categories as a minimum standard to be observed in relation to labor: “freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining,” “the elimination of forced or compulsory labour,” “the abolition of child labour,” and “the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation”.
2. Our Approach to Respect Human Rights
Tokio Marine Group strives to conduct appropriate human rights due diligence to identify, assess, prevent and mitigate, and account for negative human rights impacts related to its business activities. We shall also comply with country-specific laws and regulations related to human rights due diligence, wherever applicable to our operations. Where we identify that our business activities have caused or contributed to negative impacts on human rights, we endeavor to remediate such impacts through appropriate processes and by holding dialogue with relevant stakeholders.
3. Respecting Human Rights as an Employer
In order for Tokio Marine Group to protect customers and society from all forms of emergencies, it is important that employees respect the diverse values and work styles of others, find their work rewarding and work with enthusiasm with colleagues. It is also essential to gain trust from all people and society by always acting in a way to respect human rights. Tokio Marine Group shall comply with laws and regulations concerning working conditions, including working hours and wages. We provide a dynamic working environment that is both safe and healthy and we promote training and education for our employees. Therefore, the officers and employees of Tokio Marine Group are expected to respect human rights as set out in this Policy while their human rights are also subject to protection under this Policy.
- Prohibition of forced labor and human trafficking
- Forced labor is not permitted, nor is any form of slave labor, including bonded labor and human trafficking.
- Prohibition of child labor
- We do not tolerate child labor and shall observe the minimum working age as stipulated by law. We do not allow young workers to engage in hazardous work.
- Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
- We respect fundamental rights concerning the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining of Group employees in accordance with applicable local laws and regulations. We shall not engage in any intimidation or retaliation against union representatives or members who exercise these rights.
- Prohibition of discrimination and harassment
- We do not discriminate in any way based on sex, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity, age, profession, nationality, race, thought, creed, religion, social status or birth, age, or physical or mental disability. We do not tolerate any form of harassment, whether it be physical or mental, including sexual harassment and power harassment.
- Respect for diversity and promotion of inclusion
- We respect the individuality and diversity of each Group employee and create an environment in which all employees can fully exert their capabilities regardless of gender, age, nationality, disability, or other attributes. Our employees are passionate and bring a challenging spirit to their endeavors and we will be purposeful in our efforts to provide them with equal opportunities for career development and ongoing personal growth. Tokio Marine Group's approach to human resources is also outlined in "Tokio Marine Group - Our People.”
4. Integrating Human Rights into Our Core Business
Tokio Marine Group treats all customers fairly in the provision of its products and services and does not discriminate against any customer based on unreasonable grounds.
We strive to be a “Good Company” which is trusted by all people and society by supporting customer and society in times of need. We strive not only to prevent and mitigate negative human rights impacts associated with our products and services, but also promote the human rights of all of our customers and contribute to an inclusive society by providing products and services to meet its needs for safety and security.
Across our insurance business and others, in compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations as well as the Tokio Marine Group Privacy Policy, we shall safeguard private information and specific personal information, etc., including customers' information, and we shall not use such information except on a need basis to carry out our business operations, in order to avoid any breach of privacy.
Tokio Marine Group endeavors to consider environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) issues, including human rights, in its decision-making and other processes related to insurance underwriting and investment and financing operations.
5. Respecting Human Rights in Our Value Chain
Tokio Marine Group aims to fulfill its social responsibility and achieve sustainable development together with its business partners.
Tokio Marine Group expects its business partners to support and implement the principles expressed in this Policy and aims to work together towards the promotion of respect for human rights.
Tokio Marine Group also strives to prevent the occurrence of slave labor and human trafficking in its own business and value chain (supply chain) and encourages various stakeholders to work towards addressing such issues.
6. Grievance Mechanisms
Tokio Marine Group has established internal and external hotlines (whistle-blowing hotlines) where officers and employees of Group companies can report and consult on matters that may involve human rights concerns. The Group provides its officers and employees with multiple contact points and reporting channel options including internal and external hotlines, as well as a company audit hotline. We prohibit any disadvantageous treatment or retaliation against relevant officers, employees and those who cooperate in investigations because of such reports or consultations. In addition, we strictly manage the confidentiality of reports and consultations by ensuring anonymity and sharing information only to the extent necessary for effective investigations and corrective measures. Tokio Marine Holdings monitors the handling of the reports and provides support for the appropriate installation and operation of the whistle-blowing system, thereby establishing a mechanism that allows officers and employees of each Group company to report concerns without fear of retaliation.
7. Education & Training
Tokio Marine Group will provide the necessary training and capacity building for the implementation of this Policy to the officers and employees of each Group company. We further endeavour to provide the latest information and tools related to human rights and foster a culture of respect for human rights.
8. Communication and Disclosure
Tokio Marine Group will continuously monitor the implementation of its Policy and make improvements as necessary to ensure its effectiveness. In addition, we regularly disclose our efforts to respect human rights both internally and externally to ensure transparency and accountability.
9. Amendment or Repeal
This Policy may be amended or repealed by the Board of Directors of the Company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the General Manager of the Human Resources Department may approve minor amendments to the Policy.
This Policy was approved by the Board of Directors of Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc.
Adopted December 21, 2021
Policy to Address Environmental and Social Risks
Tokio Marine Group will strive to appropriately identify and manage risks that have a negative impact on the environment and society in accordance with the Group’s Basic Policy on Environment and Basic Policy on Human Rights. As an initiative to encourage insurance customers and investees to respect human rights, in December 2021, we formulated the Policy to Address Environmental and Social Risks to evaluate the prevention and mitigation of human rights risks in specific sectors. Tokio Marine Group will work together with its insurance customers and investees in promoting initaitives to respect human rights.
Responsible Procurement Guidelines
In March 2023, Tokio Marine Group established the Responsible Procurement Guidelines as a code of conduct for promoting responsible procurement and procurement practices throughout its value chain, realizing a safe, secure and sustainable society and pursuing sustainable growth in cooperation with its business partners. Tokio Marine Group promotes responsible procurement and procurement practices, including respect for human rights, throughout the value chain by making the guidelines known to all of its business partners and requesting that they respect international norms and comply with laws and regulations relating to fair and honest transactions and respect for human rights and labor, contribute to the protection of the global environment, ensure thorough information security, develop a management system and disclose information.
Tokio Marine Group Compliance Code of Conduct
Tokio Marine Group defines its Corporate Philosophy as perpetually enhancing its corporate value based on customers’ trust, and to carry out all its business activities in pursuit of being a “Good Company” trusted by all people and the society. The Tokio Marine Group Compliance Code of Conduct summarizes specific actions for realizing the Corporate Philosophy and being a “Good Company” from a compliance perspective, which must precede everything else in all of Tokio Marine Group’s business activities.
In line with the Code of Conduct, the directors, officers and employees of Tokio Marine Group companies (including temporary employees) must ensure the fairness of their business activities by observing applicable laws and regulations and internal rules, conducting fair and equitable business activities within social norms and correctly understanding and rigorously obeying rules relating to business activities.
Structure to Promote Human Rights
Within Tokio Marine Group, actions to address sustainability issues, including human rights risks and other human rights-related issues, are discussed by the Sustainability Committee and the Management Meeting. Decisions are made before plans and progress are reported to the Board of Directors. The process is operated leveraging a governance structure led by related executive bodies under the guidance and supervision of the Board of Directors.
Sustainability Committee
To address sustainability issues, including human rights, the Sustainability Committee, which is composed of the Group CEO, the Group Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), the Group Diversity & Inclusion Officer (CDIO), the Group Chief Sustainability Officer (CSUO) and other members, discuss topics such as the formulation of strategies and targets as well as the coordination and promotion of initiatives.
Human Rights Subcommittee
To examine human rights issues, we have established the Human Rights Subcommittee, subordinate to the Sustainability Committee. The subcommittee consists of permanent members from the Human Resources Department, the Legal & Compliance Department and the Corporate Planning Department of Tokio Marine Holdings. Advised by human rights specialists, the subcommittee discusses initiatives to respect human rights and how to apply them throughout the Group.
Compensation for Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members and Executive Officers
At Tokio Marine Group, non-financial indicators regarding the main issues of the sustainability strategy, including the promotion and penetration of D&I initiatives, have been incorporated into the performance-linked compensation for directors and executive officers since fiscal 2022. The Sustainability Committee reviews the progress of initiatives to reach goals, which is presented as an index, before the Compensation Committee deliberates on compensation and makes final decisions.
Raising Awareness and Penetrating Respect for Human Rights
Tokio Marine Group is engaged in many various initiatives to raise awareness and penetrate respect for human rights across the Group to deepen employees’ understanding of human rights risks and issues and promote initiatives to respect human rights.
Respect for Human Rights within the Group
At each Group company, all employees and other co-workers are working to build a vibrant corporate culture without discrimination or harassment.
At Tokio Marine & Nichido, we formulate the Basic Policies and Measures Related to Human Rights at the beginning of each fiscal year, and under the human rights awareness promotion structure, provide support to all local for their relevant initiatives made in relation with operations that involve human rights and inspect the status of their initiatives at the end of the fiscal year. We go through the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle on a constant basis to survey the status, identify issues and take improvement measures.
Principal Initiatives
Conducting human rights awareness training (to be attended by all employees) and execution of daily business operations with an awareness of human rights
Achievement of diversity and inclusion (achievement of normalization within the Group and promotion of employment and retention of persons with disabilities)
Prevention of, education on and appropriate response to various types of harassment and fair hiring selection practices
Initiatives to raise human rights awareness of agents
Process to Monitor the Promotion of Human Rights Awareness (Tokio Marine & Nichido)
1.Establish and thoroughly implement policies for promoting human rights awareness.
2.Develop an organizational structure to promote human rights awareness with the president as the responsible person.
3.Implement human rights awareness training for all directors, officers and employees at least once a year.
4.Formulate and thoroughly implement policies aimed at implementing fair recruitment selection practices and establish the Human Rights Awareness Committee for Fair Selection and Recruitment.
5.Promote normalization (increasing employment of persons with disabilities and improving their workplace environment in terms of both “software” and “hardware”).
6.Establish rules for the prevention of harassment in the workplace and set up an in-house consultation desk.
7.Request and support agents’ voluntary efforts to raise human rights awareness.
Human Rights Awareness Training
Every year, each member company of Tokio Marine Group holds human rights training in the workplace and e-learning training, in which all employees and other co-workers attend to practice the Basic Policy on Human Rights and build a vibrant corporate culture without discrimination or harassment. Training is based on themes that reflect social issues and employees learn about a wide range of areas, which include acquiring knowledge concerning a number of human rights issues in Japan, including discrimination against people belonging to minority communities, normalization, LGBTQ+ and harassment issues as well as issues regarding foreign residents and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Tokio Marine & Nichido has established a promotion structure mainly comprising the Human Rights Awareness Promotion Headquarters and the Human Rights Awareness Promotion Committee members of each branch office. Aside from the annual human rights awareness training held in the workplace, the company also holds rank-based training, such as executive seminars. In addition to employees, the company provides various training tools to agents to support their human rights awareness training.
Sustainability Performance Data (Human rights training participation rate, etc.)
Fostering a Culture to Respect Human Rights by Soliciting and Awarding Human Rights-Related Slogans
During Human Rights Week, which takes place from December 4 to 10 every year, each Group company solicits human rights-related slogans from employees and their families. The aim is to facilitate an understanding of the importance of respecting human rights and raise human rights awareness in the workplace, at home and within local communities. We select excellent slogans and disseminate them through our in-house intranet, Group newsletters and posters to be put up in each workplace as an effort to instill and spread the awareness of respecting human rights.
Keeping the Human Rights Perspective in Daily Business Operations and Thoroughly Ensuring Prevention of Discriminatory Practices
Tokio Marine & Nichido has in place a document inspection system to check for any expression (including illustrations, photos and videos) or wording undesirable from the perspective of human rights in its advertisements and insurance soliciting documents for customers as well as in its daily business operations. The system also performs a check to make sure the company does not obtain unnecessary personal information. Moreover, the company has established a system to appropriately report and respond by prescribing rules for handling cases of discrimination events that are discovered or encountered and making these known internally.
Sustainability Training
Every year, Tokio Marine Holdings, Tokio Marine & Nichido and other major Group companies provide all employees, dispatched employees, contractors’ employees and others with sustainability training in different forms, including e-learning programs. The training program seeks to facilitate a deeper understanding and penetration of human rights issues among employees and encourage the independent resolution of human rights issues by learning about the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, trends in human rights due diligence in and outside Japan, the Basic Policy on Human Rights, the Policy to Address Environmental and Social Risks and the Responsible Procurement Guidelines.
Disseminating Responsible Procurement Guidelines
In March 2023, Tokio Marine Group formulated and published its Responsible Procurement Guidelines and has been working to ensure the employees of Group companies and business partners are well aware of the guidelines. Information about the guidelines is published on the websites of Tokio Marine Holdings and major Group companies. At the same time, we are committed to making the guidelines disseminated to the employees of the Group companies and our major business partners and requesting that international norms relating to human rights and labor are respected and laws and regulations are obeyed.
From the perspective of social responsibility, Tokio Marine & Nichido shares its Principle of Transactions with business partners (suppliers and subcontractors) and requests a commitment to compliance with laws, regulations and social norms, the promotion of fair and honest transactions, thorough information management and consideration of the environment, including domains related to respect for human rights.
Human Rights Due Diligence
Tokio Marine Group has established a system to ensure human rights due diligence (HRDD) based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. For Tokio Marine Group, HRDD means an ongoing, preventive and voluntary process to become a “Good Company” and to avoid or mitigate any negative impact of corporate activities on human rights. Based on this process, Tokio Marine Group has conducted a human rights risk assessment with the assistance of the specified NPO Caux Round Table Japan (CRT Japan), outside experts and specialists. Going forward, we plan to update the assessment on a periodic basis while considering the impacts of significant changes to our business operations.
The assessments were conducted on Group companies in and outside Japan, and we identified potential human rights risks against our major rightsholders, which we need to tackle in order to prevent risks from occurring. For details, please refer to the results of the human rights risk map.
Structure for the Management of HRDD
Tokio Marine Group’s Human Rights Subcommittee stays up to date on the progress of its HRDD initiatives.
Human Rights Risk Map — Identifying and Evaluating Human Rights Risks
Aim of Identifying Human Rights Risks
In putting our Corporate Philosophy into practice, Tokio Marine Holdings has established the “Tokio Marine Group Sustainability Charter” as our code of conduct to fulfill our social responsibility. This outlines our commitment to respecting the human rights of all people including customers, shareholders & investors, agents & business partners, employees, local communities & society and future generations. We have also established the “Tokio Marine Group Basic Policy on Human Rights,” and are committed to respecting human rights as an employer, through our main business operations and in our value chain.
Tokio Marine Holdings supports and respects the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, ILO’s International Labour Standards, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, ISO 26000 and SA8000, and is a signatory to the UN Global Compact. We understand internationally recognized principles and guidelines related to human rights and have comprehensively assessed and identified in particular the human rights issues of our business-related key stakeholders and rightsholders (negative impacts on human rights and other issues) for fulfilling our role in realizing a sustainable society through participating in and contributing to social responsibility-related initiatives and respecting human rights/promoting HRDD.
Based on the results of the comprehensive assessment of human rights risks, Tokio Marine Group organized a human rights workshop for employees engaged in practical operations. Featuring advice from outside experts, the workshop narrowed down human rights risks that should be prioritized from a practical perspective.
Human Rights Workshop’s Assessment of Risks and Impact
In November 2022, a human rights workshop was held with the participation of members from the corporate planning and administrative departments of Tokio Marine Holdings and Tokio Marine & Nichido. The workshop consisted of three parts: “global trends in business and human rights,” “workshop session 1: sharing and discussing current initiatives and issues” and “workshop session 2: value chain development.” Based on the opinions of outside specialists, we narrowed down risks in the areas of our business (direct operations, value chain, insurance underwriting, investment and financing). As a result, the following priority human rights risks were identified.
Respect for the human rights of non-Japanese technical trainees
Respect for human rights to be practiced with business partners in our value chain
Respect for the human rights of all insurance customers
Prevention of damage to corporate value through insurance underwriting, investment and financing
Prevention of the infringement of employees’ human rights
Prevention of the furtherance of prejudice and discrimination in advertisements and product development
Impact assessments, including interviews of rightsholders, were also conducted in some areas that have been specified by the human rights workshop as being high risk.
Progress of Initiatives for HRDD by Area of Business Domains
Presented below is the progress in human rights DD by business domain in consideration of the results of the human rights workshop.
Respect for Human Rights in Insurance Underwriting, Investment and Financing: Respect for the Rights of Indigenous People and Local Residents through Insurance Underwriting, Investment and Financing
We recognize the importance of responding to the identified human rights risks within insurance underwriting, investment and financing, and periodically reviews the sectors that should be prohibited or considered within the framework of the Policy to Address Environmental and Social Risks, while referencing international principles of action and guidelines. We also review them whenever necessary based on dialogues with experts, NGOs and other parties. In September 2022, we revised the Policy to Address Environmental and Social Risks and made the implementation of insurance underwriting, investment and financing in the oil sands sector oil and gas extraction projects in the Arctic Circle more strictly, as they are likely to negatively impact the rights of indigenous peoples and other local residents.
Respect for Human Rights in the Value Chain: Interviewing Rightsholders to Conduct Impact Assessments
Auto insurance is a major insurance product in the non-life insurance business. Car dealers and repair/maintenance operators are valuable stakeholders in Tokio Marine Group’s value chain. With the cooperation of CRT Japan, a human rights expert, we engaged in dialogue with technical trainees and other people engaged in car repair and maintenance and exchanged opinions to better respect human rights.
Respect for Human Rights in In-House Operations: Preventing Infringement of Employees’ Human Rights through Self-Inspection
We seek to increase an understanding of how Tokio Marine Group companies in Japan and overseas respect human rights as an employer, as well as identify human rights and labor issues connected to the employees of the Group while preventing such issues from occurring, minimizing them when they occur and making improvements.
Accordingly, we encourage each Tokio Marine Group company to conduct self-assessment using the Tokio Marine Group Checklist on Human Rights Issues, which references international standards regarding respect for human rights and labor. We aim to link these assessment to strengthen initiatives to respect human rights as an employer throughout the Group.
Respect for Human Rights in Sustainable Investment and Financing
Giving consideration to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues in investment and financing is becoming increasingly important from the perspective of improving long-term risk/return. Tokio Marine & Nichido places great importance on the social role and responsibilities that the insurance industry is expected to fulfill, and in June 2012 signed as a drafting member the Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI) advocated by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI). In April 2011, Tokio Marine Asset Management signed the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) initiative, accepting these principles as an asset management company. As an insurance firm that has taken ESG issues into account in its insurance underwriting, investment analysis and other actions, Tokio Marine & Nichido signed the PRI in August 2012. Through PRI and PSI related activities, Tokio Marine Group is strengthening its initiatives for respecting human rights in investment and financing.
Initiatives for Sustainable Investments
Fact-Finding Survey of Initiatives to Respect Human Rights among Tokio Marine Group Companies in Japan and Overseas
We have conducted a written survey among Tokio Marine Group companies to gain basic information on topics such as the relevant laws and regulations in the countries where they are located, major outsourcing contractors and suppliers and current initiatives to respect human rights. The survey aimed to find facts about their initiatives regarding respect for human rights, and the results were used as a reference to formulate human rights-related measures for the entire Group.
The results revealed that each Group company is not engaged in transactions in industries that have particularly conspicuous human rights issues in terms of outsourcing and procurement. At the same time, few companies were found taking action in accordance with international rules on human rights established by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This renewed our understanding of the need to involve all Group companies in the promotion of these initiatives.
Human Rights Related Grievances (“Global Stakeholder‘s Hotline”)
Tokio Marine Group has now established a “Global Stakeholders Hotline,” operated by TSUHO Support Center Co., Ltd., for external stakeholders to submit their grievances and concerns relating to human rights violations. This hotline has been established in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, to establish an effective grievance mechanism for individuals and communities who may be adversely impacted.
Though the Global Stakeholders Hotline allows for anonymous submissions, Tokio Marine Group promises to protect the privacy of individuals providing information through the Global Stakeholders Hotline and prohibits retribution or retaliation of any kind towards information providers. If you agree to the “Hotline’s Scope” set forth below and Tokio Marines Group’s Privacy Policy, please use the link below to navigate to the Global Stakeholders Hotline and enter the Company Code for Tokio Marine Group. Please note that by entering Tokio Marine Group’s Company Code and providing information through the Global Stakeholders Hotline, you are agreeing to the Hotline’s Scope and Tokio Marine Group’s Privacy Policy.
Please note that in order to provide information through the Global Stakeholders Hotline, you must also agree to TSUHO Support Center Co., Ltd.’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, which you can will find in the Global Stakeholders Hotline site linked below.
- Global Stakeholders Hotline
- Company Code
- TokioMarine
- Hotline’s Scope
- The Global Stakeholders Hotline is only available for human rights related grievances:
(a)that the Tokio Marine Group has caused or contributed to, OR
(b)that can be directly linked to the Tokio Marine Group’s operations.
Please refer here(List of Group Companies | Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc. ( for information regarding other Tokio Marine Group entities, if you wish to contact a Tokio Marine Group entity for other matters.
With respect to group employees, we use whistle blower and hotline systems to capture employees’ opinions in an effort to realize a better workplace environment.
Response to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 of the United Kingdom and Modern Slavery Act 2018 of Australia
Tokio Marine & Nichido, Tokio Marine Kiln and other Tokio Marine Group companies published a modern slavery statement in compliance with the UK’s Modern Slavery Act 2015. Meanwhile, Tokio Marine & Nichido and other companies submitted a modern slavery statement to the Australian government in compliance with its Modern Slavery Act 2018.
Actions Taken by Tokio Marine & Nichido
Tokio Marine & Nichido has been publishing its statement every year since 2016 under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 of the United Kingdom. Starting from 2020, the company also annually reports (registers) its modern slavery statement to and with the Australian government under the country’s Modern Slavery Act 2018. Tokio Marine & Nichido will continue to report its modern slavery statement
without fail, and together with its employees and business partners, will implement initiatives to prevent slave labor and human trafficking.
- Tokio Marine & Nichido’s statement under the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015
- Tokio Marine & Nichido’s statement under Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Australian government’s online register site)
Modern Slavery
Modern Slavery refers to enslavement and servitude, all forms of forced labor and human trafficking, etc. The International Labour Organization (ILO) reported in a 2014 survey that there were approximately 21 million victims of forced labor worldwide (as of 2012) while annual illicit profits reached US$150 billion (estimate), which shows that even in present times slave labor and human trafficking are serious social problems.
Modern Slavery Act 2015 of the United Kingdom
In March 2015, the British government enacted the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to prevent forced labor and other present-day slave labor as well as human trafficking. The act went into effect in October 2015. Section 54 of the act requires commercial organizations that undertake business in the United Kingdom and that have annual sales of £36 million or more to publish a statement of steps taken each fiscal year to prevent slave labor and human trafficking in their own businesses and value chain (supply chain).
Modern Slavery Act 2018 of Australia
Following the United Kingdom, the Australian government enforced the Modern Slavery Act 2018 in January 2018. The act requires entities based or operating in Australia, which have an annual consolidated revenue of more than ASD 100 million, to report (register) every fiscal year on how they assess risks of modern slavery in their operations and supply chains as well as actions to address these risks.
Sustainability Reports & Publications
Sustainability Booklet
Learn more about our Group's sustainability strategy and latest initiatives across material issues.
TCFD Report
Learn more about our climate change initiatives in line with the TCFD recommendations.
Sustainability Report
Learn more about our sustainability initiatives with our purpose at its core.
TNFD Report
Learn more about our biodiversity initiatives in line with the TNFD recommendations.
Human Capital Report
Learn more about our approach and initiatives to maximize people's capabilities.