Sustainability Special Report
Embedding Our Sustainability Strategy
Nurturing Individuals to Promote Sustainability
Tokio Marine & Nichido conducts sustainability training through e-learning for all employees once a year to promote an understanding of and share the philosophy and policies of its sustainability activities.

Strengthening Communication with International Group Companies
For overseas Group companies, we provide a quarterly newsletter, “Group Sustainability Update”, to describe the latest information and required actions regarding sustainability.

Sustainability Award
To promote the fostering of a corporate culture in which each employee engages in sustainability, we have been operating the Sustainability Award throughout Tokio Marine Group, including overseas Group companies, since fiscal 2015. In fiscal 2022, we selected 11 initiatives of Group companies in and outside Japan for commendation.

Commitment to Respecting Human Rights
Establishment of Policies
In December 2021, we formulated the Tokio Marine Group Basic Policy on Human Rights aligned with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, clarifying our commitment as a Group to respect human rights as an employer and in our core businesses and value chain. Additionally, we developed the Responsible Procurement Guidelines as a normative framework for promoting responsible procurement and procurement practices throughout the value chain.

Risk Assessment
We have identified the risks related to human rights issues of key stakeholders relevant to our business. Moreover, In November 2022, a human rights workshop was organized and held by members of the Planning and Administrative Section. Taking into account the insights of external experts, we conducted an assessment of risks related to human rights within our business areas (insurance underwriting and investment, value chain, and operations of the Group).

Impact Evaluation
Based on the results of the workshops, we pinpoint key areas of focus while considering the impact and potential risks to our stakeholders and conduct an impact evaluation.
Initiatives for Future Generations
Restoration of Natural Capital and Response to Climate Change
Tokio Marine Group started planting mangroves in 1999, and since then we have been engaging in this distinctive endeavor as “insurance for the future of the Earth” to pass down a safe and secure environment to future generations (total of 12,261 hectares as of March 31, 2023). Also in 2022, we established a team at Tokio Marine & Nichido dedicated to impact investments that harmonize both social and economic value, specifically targeting investments in natural capital. In addition to renewable energy funds and environmental funds, we will also commit to investing in a new field, forest funds, in fiscal 2023.

Nurturing the Leaders of Tomorrow
Tokio Marine & Nichido hosted a meeting of the Junior Advisory Board, in which high school students served as advisors to provide recommendations from the perspective of a future generation. The company discussed with them about themes such as values we should cherish in our work and how to cultivate a sense of inclusiveness while increasing diversity, and the discussion brought new insight to both sides.

Supporting the Transition to a Circular Economy
We are engaged in efforts to reduce food waste and promote recycling through insurance. In Japan, Tokio Marine & Nichido has formed a consortium to combat food loss with three private companies, collecting data related to food waste and developing insurance policies to compensate for the costs of food recycling. In Southeast Asia, we offer cargo insurance that provides compensation for food products that have lost commercial value due to damage to outer packaging in transit on the condition that they will be donated. This supports a circular economy by contributing to the promotion of sustainable practices for still-edible food items.

Group-wide campaign “Future Generations Month” in November
To more effectively promote our initiatives for future generations globally, we have designated November, the month of World Children's Day, as our "Future Generations Month." Our aim is to expand and accelerate the global uptake of initiatives that contribute to our overall objective of leaving behind a brighter future for the next generations.
Sustainability Reports & Publications
Sustainability Booklet
Learn more about our Group's sustainability strategy and latest initiatives across material issues.
TCFD Report
Learn more about our climate change initiatives in line with the TCFD recommendations.
Sustainability Report
Learn more about our sustainability initiatives with our purpose at its core.
TNFD Report
Learn more about our biodiversity initiatives in line with the TNFD recommendations.
Human Capital Report
Learn more about our approach and initiatives to maximize people's capabilities.