Promoting Diversity and Inclusion
Tokio Marine Group believes that for us to further improve the quality of our products and services worldwide, we must develop all of our motivated and talented employees to the maximum of their potential regardless of gender, age, nationality, disability or any other attributes. Specific initiatives pertaining to the group-wide promotion of diversity and inclusion (D&I) include eliminating gender gap, creating a workplace in which older employees and persons with disabilities can take active roles as well as promoting employment regardless of nationality or race and facilitating mid-career recruitment and training of employees with diverse experience.
Tokio Marine Group’s D&I
Definition of D&I
Tokio Marine Group defines diversity and inclusion (D&I) as below. This definition serves as the basis of various initiatives toward D&I.
What is diversity?
The elements, qualities and experiences that make each of us unique.
What is inclusion?
An environment where all aspects of diversity are welcomed, where all staff feel safe and respected, where every individual is given the opportunity to develop in order to create the most value for our customers, our business partners and society.
D&I Vision
Tokio Marine Group has formulated the D&I Vision based on four important elements consisting of Attract, Empower, Develop/Promote and Retain, which we will strive to realize through our D&I initiatives. In conjunction with “Our People,” which expresses Tokio Marine Group’s philosophy on human resources, we will make a group-wide commitment to D&I and evolve our initiatives toward the attainment of D&I. Through the realization of Attract, Empower, Develop/Promote and Retain, we aim to become a truly inclusive global insurance group.
D&I Promotion Structure
D&I Promotion Structure
Tokio Marine Group established the position of Group Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer (CDIO) and Diversity Council in April 2021 to accelerate D&I-related initiatives and create an environment that enables all Group employees to leverage their diverse backgrounds and fully exercise their capabilities.
Chaired by the Group CEO, the Diversity Council is positioned as an advisory body that directly reports to the CEO. Led by the CDIO, council members representing the domestic and international companies of the Group discuss important D&I-related topics. For details, see Human Capital Report 2023 (in Japanese)PDF
D&I Initiatives
D&I Promotion Structure
Tokio Marine Group regards the promotion of D&I as its growth strategy, with the Group CEO communicating this at many different meetings and seminars. For details, see Human Capital Report 2023. For details, see Human Capital Report 2023 (in Japanese)PDF.
Eliminating Gender Gap
Eliminating the gender gap is a group-wide issue. For many years, we have been actively promoting the creation of a workplace environment and the development of our human resources, aiming to enable every female employee to develop her career in self-directed ways and take on leading roles in a broader range of fields.
①Tokio Marine & Nichido’s Initiatives
Rooted in its belief that employees with diverse value sets participating in the decision-making process increase the quality of its decisions, Tokio Marine & Nichido continues its work toward eliminating the gender gap to achieve a state in which women commonly participate in every decision-making process. Based on a policy for initiatives toward eliminating the gender gap via a dual approach of having women participate in every decision-making process and increasing the engagement of each and every female employee, the company aims to realize this state by introducing initiatives that create an environment where each female employee can continue to grow while feeling motivated to work.
Tokio Marine & Nichido has set a quantitative target of increasing the ratio of women in management- and higher-level positions to 30% by fiscal 2030. Accordingly, the company has been stepping up its efforts to create an environment where they can take up a new challenge based on their willingness and capabilities. These include role assignment and year-long on-the-job training (OJT) based on individual career visions, job transfers across departments and various training.
②Group Initiatives and Results
Aside from initiatives undertaken individually by Group companies, Tokio Marine Group as a whole is providing a variety of opportunities for female employees. In fiscal 2019, we launched Tokio Marine Group Women’s Career College (TWCC), an internal program for female employees of Tokio Marine Group companies in Japan. It provides the opportunity for willing participants to think about and increase awareness of their own careers as they motivate each other and gain insight into diverse values and philosophies.
As a result of these initiatives, more than 500 women are currently holding management-level positions and playing active roles at Group companies in Japan. Tokio Marine Holdings has two female directors, one Audit & Supervisory Board Member and two executive officers, while Tokio Marine & Nichido has one female director, two Audit & Supervisory Board Members and five executive officers. Both companies are integrating diverse views into their corporate management.
In recognition of such group-wide initiatives and performance in terms of results, Tokio Marine Holdings was selected four times as a “Nadeshiko Brand” in fiscal 2013, fiscal 2015, fiscal 2017 and fiscal 2018. Further, the Group CEO announced his advocacy of a declaration of action stating that a group of male leaders dedicated to empowering women would accelerate the active participation of women who shine as well as the vision of the 30% Club Japan established in May 2019.
Tokio Marine & Nichido has earned the Diversity Management Selection 100, an award sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). For this award, METI selects and commends “companies that have raised corporate value through diversity-oriented management.” Tokio Marine & Nichido was recognized for its efforts such as enabling numerous women to continually take active roles by helping protect motherhood, enhancing systems for supporting child rearing and transforming the overall roles of employees, and for promoting the employment of persons with disabilities while raising consciousness of the principle of normalization.
In addition, six other Group companies, including Tokio Marine & Nichido Career Service and Tokio Marine dR, were granted “Eruboshi” certification by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare as outstanding companies in terms of conditions related to promoting the active participation of women. The certification has three stages depending on the number of assessment items fulfilled and five companies received the top certification.
Sustainability Performance Data (Number of directors and managers)
Overseas Initiatives
U.S.-based PURE wants employees to be passionate about their jobs, devoted to the company and proactively committed to their work, and it believes that employees perform best in an environment where they are respected and treated fairly and equally.
Employee Resource Groups (ERG) are independent, employee-operated entities founded in each region since 2021. They operate as resources for the company to make decisions on policy and community issues while simultaneously advancing the following initiatives to build a diverse and inclusive organization.
PURE United (Ally) | Raises employee awareness and fosters a sense of unity by listening to feedback from the local community on company activities and promoting solidarity with marginalized groups. |
Asian & Pacific Islander ERG | Creates a community for employees of Asian and Pacific Islander descent and provides a venue where members can mutually recognize common traits and different viewpoints in a psychologically safe environment and grow together. |
PURE+ (LGBQTIA+) | Raises awareness for the respect of LGBQTIA+ people, promotes growth and ensures equality. |
PURO Orgullo (Hispanic & Latinx) |
Promotes individual and professional growth for members by creating an environment that supports PURE’s Hispanic and Latinx community. |
The BERG (Black ERG) | Provides a venue for members who share a common purpose to achieve their ideas and foster individuality through communal participation, cultural literacy and skill development. |
Women’s Leadership Council | Creates a network and support system where competent female members collectively enhance their skills while strengthening collaboration and multiculturalism and the community. |
Utilizing Diverse Human Resources
Empowering an Age-Inclusive Workforce
Tokio Marine Group is engaged in efforts such as the continuing employment and personal development of older employees, which lead to the sustainable growth of the Group as a whole and the empowerment of these employees. For details, see Human Capital Report 2023 (in Japanese)PDF
Promoting Employment of Persons with Disabilities
Aiming to “resolve social issues by promoting employment of persons with disabilities and creating supportive working environments to contribute to the realization of an inclusive society where everyone can live with a sense of security,” Tokio Marine Group is promoting the employment of persons with disabilities at Group companies and working to raise consciousness of normalization. For details, see Human Capital Report 2023 (in Japanese)PDF (PDF/P.61).
Sustainability Performance Data (Rate of employment of persons with disabilities)
Tokio Marine Business Support (in Japanese)
Promoting Normalization
Tokio Marine & Nichido Systems has made offices barrier free and hired persons with physically disabilities as IT engineers.
In September 2008, the company set up a massage room on the administrative floor to employ people with visual impairments to provide massages to employees. Since September 2009, the company has been employing people with disabilities to provide services, including at the internal Smile Cafe and the Smile Office Service which provides general administrative services such as the production of name cards, printing documents and digitalizing paper documents. In this way, the company has been actively committed to promoting normalization, helping persons with disabilities enjoy a good quality of life. Smile Cafe is a place where employees can relax and every day a total of about 400 colleagues come to the cafe or buy from the cafe’s cart that comes to their workplaces. It also sells bread and sweets made at a nearby welfare facility. Every year, Smile Office Service has added to the types of work it handles and it has gained the trust of the Group’s employees.
By having general employees and members with disabilities work together, synergetic effects are being created in terms of cheering up each other and enhancing work satisfaction.
Promoting the Development and Empowerment of Human Resources
Publication of Human Capital Report
The insurance business is referred to as a “people’s business.” Everything about the business comes out of the trust built by people, including employees. Confident that maximizing the power of people will lead to the realization of Tokio Marine Group’s purpose of protecting customers and societies in times of need, we have worked to invest in people and develop human resources since the Group’s establishment. The commitment remains unchanged. We squarely face the maximization of the power of people by seeing people as the driving force for growth. The concept of human capital management is rapidly becoming widespread. In relation, the trend toward disclosing information about human capital management is accelerating. In the future, it is expected that our stakeholders will refer to information related to human capital in many different situations.
Amid this trend, we have published Human Capital Report 2023 in the hope that communicating our views on and commitment to human capital management, without omission, will help stakeholders understand us more deeply.
To date, we have presented information about human capital in our integrated annual reports and sustainability reports. We believe that the publication of a report specifically on human capital will increase stakeholders’ understanding of Tokio Marine Group’s view on people and specific initiatives.
Tokio Marine Group’s View on Its Purpose and People
Our approach to people is set forth in “Tokio Marine Group – Our People.” Based on this concept, we will systematically develop and drive engagement with all of our diverse people groupwide, in order to become a global insurance group, thus increasing the value of human capital that contributes to the realization of our purpose. For details, please refer to the following report.
Human Capital Report 2023 (in Japanese)PDF (PDF/P. 15)
Proactively Accelerating Investment in Human Capital
The Company’s goal is to solve social issues through our business activities with our purpose at its core and in turn increase our corporate value. In order to agilely respond to and solve increasingly complex social issues, the capabilities of the Group’s more than 40,000 employees in Japan and internationally are a key factor for our success. We will therefore invest in and further develop human capital to remain a “Good Company” that is truly needed and trusted by customers and local communities 100 years from now. For details, please refer to the following report.
Human Capital Report 2023 (in Japanese)PDF (PDF/P. 12-15)
Various Initiatives to Promote Human Resources Development
Initiatives for Human Resources Development
The insurance business, which constitutes Tokio Marine Group’s founding business, is a people’s business. People and the trust built by people are the source of all our competitiveness. We believe in the power of people and seek to develop human resources that can think on their own, act quickly and keep growing.
For example, Tokio Marine & Nichido aims to be a company where all employees continue to grow and formulates its human resources development policy from dual perspectives of “individuals” and the “organization.” Leveraging the synergy between these perspectives, we are working to help each employee improve faster.
Specifically, Tokio Marine & Nichido thoroughly aligns the career visions of individual employees, what they want to become and their strengths and weaknesses. This is done based on the human resources development cycle that uses regular interviews throughout the year between supervisors and their subordinates as milestones. While assigning challenging roles that lead to the growth of respective subordinates, the company provides continuous support for their growth and follows up on their progress.
In assigning roles, Tokio Marine & Nichido indicates the importance of addressing social problems through its business. When setting goals, the company goes back to Tokio Marine Group and considers specific actions to provide value that leads to the resolution of the issues faced by customers and local communities and ensures that these goals reflect a consideration of each employee’s role and that it is persuasive to the employee. As a resuit, bonuses are determined by employee performance, including the resolution of social issues.
Tokio Marine & Nichido also creates and provides an extensive range of programs related to human resources development, including broad training opportunities and e-learning and other learning tools, both of which respond to employees’ diverse needs and career visions. The company has also established a variety of systems, such as the Project Request System and Job Request System, to support employees’ aspirations.
Human Capital Report 2023 (in Japanese)PDF (PDF/P. 38-44)
Dialogue with Employees
Tokio Marine Group values dialogue with employees about overall management, personnel measures and workplace environments and leverages the feedback to improve its management.
Building a Sense of Unity throughout the Group
We conduct a culture and value survey every year with the dual aims of measuring the extent to which our purpose has permeated and promoting D&I. The survey asks employees of Tokio Marine Group companies around the world the same questions in different languages. The scores have remained high. For details, please refer to the following report.
Human Capital Report 2023 (in Japanese)PDF (PDF/P. 63)
Enhancing Engagement
We conduct an engagement survey to accurately understand the status of the engagement of each employee and implement effective measures in a timely manner. For details, please refer to the following report.
Human Capital Report 2023 (in Japanese)PDF (PDF/P. 66-67)
Sustainability Performance Data (Employee attitude survey results)
Developing and Securing Human Resources Capable of Engaging in Global Business
Promotion of Global Human Resources Strategy
Amid the increasing importance of overseas business, Tokio Marine Group considers it essential to build a human resources base that supports development into a global insurance group through the hiring and developing of diverse human resources at Group companies around the world. To achieve this goal, we formulated a global human resources strategy and have been promoting various measures on an ongoing basis since 2012.
- Pillars of Tokio Marine Group Global Human Resources Strategy
1.Develop Global Leaders
2.Develop highly professional human resources for each function in line with expertise
3.Expand the base of the global talent pool
4.Establish systems and infrastructure to spread the Company’s Corporate Philosophy
In fiscal 2023, the Tokio Marine Group Leadership Institute was established to consistently and continuously produce group management leaders in the integrated management of the Group. As the first step to becoming a group management leader, the Institute offers unique, high-quality programs for leader development for the Group’s domestic and overseas companies. For details, please refer to the following report.
Human Capital Report 2023 (in Japanese)PDF (PDF/P. 50-51)
To expand the talent pool, we provide employees with many training opportunities, including global training (short-term overseas dispatch) for Tokio Marine & Nichido employees (third-year employees) taking the Global Course, which started in fiscal 2012, and overseas trainee dispatches. A specialized department in charge of global human resources was established at Tokio Marine Holdings to steadily promote these measures. At the same time, the company regularly holds the Global Human Resources Conference by gathering human resources department managers of major Group companies to discuss measures to strengthen cooperation among human resources departments, human resources development common to the Group, personnel strategies and other matters. Going forward, the company will continue to promote the global human resources strategy while actively incorporating the opinions and requests of Group companies around the world.
Stably Securing Global Management Personnel and Personnel with Specialized Knowledge
The environment surrounding Tokio Marine Group has been undergoing rapid changes, including technological advancements, globalization and demographic shifts. Consequently, it has become increasingly important to accurately capture these highly uncertain changes in the external environment and reflect them in corporate management. As a system to stably develop management personnel with high levels of expertise and management capability to respond to such significant changes on a global scale and drive the Group’s management, Tokio Marine Holdings introduced a new personnel system in April 2019. Under the system, we have been promoting group-wide talent management of such personnel and continually providing a variety of transnational training programs.
Sustainability Performance Data (Number of employees, basic employee data)
Securing Human Resources Who Will Lead the Future
Tokio Marine & Nichido endeavors to secure diverse and capable human resources that can play active roles globally regardless of gender, nationality or whether they are new graduates or mid-career employees.
Tokio Marine & Nichido will continue to engage in a broad range of recruitment activities in an effort to secure excellent and competent human resources, and at the same time provide opportunities for participants to explore social issues and new solutions through workplace experiences and exchange with employees, and contribute to the development of future generations. For details, please refer to the following report.
Human Capital Report 2023 (in Japanese)PDF (PDF/P. 37)
Transforming Working Styles
Tokio Marine Group has been striving to transform working styles with the aim of driving sustainable growth of the Group and employees by having diverse human resources work with high productivity.
Initiatives in Pursuit of Highly Productive Working Styles
Tokio Marine Group implements initiatives to pursue highly productive working styles, such as increasing the flexibility of work rules. The time freed through these initiatives will be effectively used by each employee for personal growth and lead to the creation of higher added value. In this way, we seek the sustained growth of both employees and the company. For details, please refer to the following report.
Human Capital Report 2023 (in Japanese)PDF (PDF/P. 37)
Sustainability Performance Data (Annual average actual working hours)
Women play active roles in more domains, and more women continue their careers after marriage and while caring for children. Tokio Marine Group provides many different programs, such as childcare leave, to help employees balance work and childcare so that they do not have to give up their careers and can feel secure when giving birth and raising their children. For details, please refer to the following report.
Human Capital Report 2023 (in Japanese)PDF (PDF/P. 75-76)
Sustainability Performance Data (Nursing care leave system)
Sustainability Performance Data (Retiree rehiring system, maternity leave system, etc.)
We are celebrating International Women's Day and the diverse contributions of women across our Group Companies by sharing various stories of women and their allies within our group.