Stock Information

Stock Information

Fiscal Year End March 31
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to Be Held To be held within three months from the end of fiscal year
Record Date
  • Ordinary general meeting of shareholders
    March 31
  • Annual cash dividend
    March 31
  • Interim cash dividend
    September 30
Method of giving public notices

The Company's public notices shall be given by electronic means. However, in the event that electronic public notices cannot be provided due to an accident or other unavoidable circumstances, public notices shall appear in the newspaper The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, which is published in the Metropolis of Tokyo.

Stock Exchange Tokyo
Stock Code 8766
Share Unit Number 100 (shares)
Transfer of Shares Transfer Agent in Japan
(Special Account Management Institution)
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Correspondence by mail and telephone inquiries should be directed to Stock Transfer Agency Division
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
PO Box
29 137-8081
0120-232-711 (Toll free)

Shareholder services

Shareholders with requests for changes of address, designations or changes of dividends receiving method or purchases or sales of shares below a unit (100 shares), please contact:

In case of shareholders registered on the special account * The Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
In case of shareholders other than above: your brokerage company
  • *
    Such shareholders whose share certificates have not deposited into Japan Securities Depositary Center, Inc. by the date of commencement of "Book-Entry Transfer System" are registered on the special account at The Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.

Requests for payments of unclaimed dividends should be directed to The Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation. However, please note that, pursuant to the provisions of our Articles of Incorporation, dividends which remain unclaimed more than five years will not be paid out.

ADR (American Depositary Receipt) information

Ratio (ADR/underlying) 1:1
Ticker TKOMY
Traded OTC (over-the-counter)

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
Please click the following link to view information:

-REGISTERED ADR HOLDERS (holders who hold ADRs in the account opened with J.P.Morgan as Depositary Bank)
General: +1 800 990 1135
From outside the U.S: +1 651 453 2128
Global Invest Direct: +1 800 428 4237

-BENEFICIAL ADR HOLDERS (holders who hold ADRs in the account opened with securities brokers)
Please contact your own securities brokers.

Custodian MUFG Bank, Ltd.

Please find the link below to see Federal Form 8937.

Electronic Public Notices

Articles of Incorporation

Total number of the shares issued

(As of March 31, 2024)
Total number of the shares issued 1,978,000,000

Status of Major Shareholders

(As of March 31, 2024)
Shareholders Number of shares held (thousand) Percentage
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 332,387 16.8
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 145,615 7.4
Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company 42,604 2.2
State Street Bank West Client - Treaty 505234 37,253 1.9
JPMorgan Chase Bank 385632 30,377 1.5
Tokai Nichido Employees Stock Ownership Plan 30,017 1.5
Barclays Securities Japan Limited 29,602 1.5
JPMorgan Chase Bank 385781 26,713 1.4
JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd. 23,785 1.2
The ratio of shares held is calculated after deducting 3,453 thousand treasury shares held by the Company.

Composition ratio by type of shareholders

(As of March 31, 2024)

Financial institutions 37.0% Financial instruments firms 6.1% Other domestic companies 5.5% Foreign companies 37.1% Individuals and others 14.1% Treasury shares 0.2%