- Questions about Tokio Marine Holdings
- Questions about Corporate Finances and Investor Relations
- Questions about Tokio Marine Holdings Stock
- Other Questions
Questions about Tokio Marine Holdings
- Q1When was Tokio Marine Holdings founded?
- A1
Tokio Marine Holdings was founded on April 2, 2002. Please refer to
"Company Information" for more information. - Q2Where can I find a map to the company?
- A2
The address of our headquarter and a map to the building can be found here.
- Q3What kinds of companies form the Tokio Marine Group?
- A3
Please refer to "List of Group Companies."
- Q4How do I find the names of executive officers?
- A4
- Q5Is there an organizational chart of Tokio Marine Holdings?
- A5
Please refer to "Organizational Chart."
Questions about Corporate Finances and Investor Relations
- Q1How can I obtain an annual report?
- A1
An annual report in PDF format can be downloaded from here.
- Q2When does the fiscal year end?
- A2
The fiscal year ends on March 31.
- Q3How can I review the financial highlights for the most recent fiscal year?
- A3
Please refer to "Financial Highlights."
- Q4Does Tokio Marine Holdings submit reports to the Securities Exchange Commission of the United States?
- A4
The filing of Form 20-F has been stopped providing from FY07 due to the termination of the registration with the SEC.
Back numbers can be downloaded from here. - Q5Where can I find the financial statement (yuka shoken hokokusho) or the half-year financial statement?
- A5
PDF files of these reports can be downloaded here. (in Japanese)
- Q6What is the price of Tokio Marine Holdings' stock?
- A6
The price of Tokio Marine Holdings' stock on the Tokyo Stock Exchange is displayed here.
- Q7What is the Tokio Marine Group's rating?
- A7
Please refer to "Rating Information."
- Q8Can I attend IR Conference or Results Conference Call as an individual investor?
- A8
We apologize but the attendees are limited to institutional investors and securities analysts, even through broadcast lives. Please refer to the materials and videos/audio data at "IR Presentation"
- Q9Where can I find IR presentations and videos?
- A9
Previous presentations are available at "IR Presentation."
- Q10Who are the securities analysts covering Tokio Marine Holdings?
- A10
Please refer to "Analysts Coverage."
Questions about Tokio Marine Holdings Stock
- Q1Where is Tokio Marine Holdings listed?
- A1
Tokio Marine Holdings is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (First Section).
- Q2What is the securities code of Tokio Marine Holdings and its ticker symbol of U.S. over-the-counter market?
- A2
The securities code is 8766,
and the ticker symbol is TKOMY. - Q3Where can I find figures for past dividend payments?
- A3
Please refer to "Return to Shareholders."
- Q4Where can I inquire about procedural matters related to Tokio Marine Holdings stock?
- A4
Please refer to "Stock Information."
Other Questions
- Q1Where can I inquire about the products and services of Tokio Marine Group companies?
- A1
Please contact each company listed here.