Governance Initiatives
Fundamental Corporate Governance Policy
Tokio Marine Group aims to raise the quality of initiatives for “business strategies,” “governance” and “social responsibility” and build a structure for resilient, highly sound and transparent management as a global insurance group. Through these initiatives, Tokio Marine Group will meet the expectations of stakeholders, beginning with continuously enhancing shareholder value, and contribute to realizing a sustainable society.
Organizational Structure for Promoting Sustainability
Given its importance, the Sustainability Committee consists of top management members, including the CEO and other chief officers. In addition, members from Group companies around the world also participate in committee meetings. In this and other ways, we explore measures to address various issues by gathering the wisdom of the entire Group. The committee’s deliberations are promptly reported to the Management Meeting and the Board of Directors, and the feedback obtained is used in subsequent discussions and considerations.
Role of the Sustainability Committee
Deliberates on Tokio Marine Group’s sustainability strategies
Oversees the overall management and execution of sustainability strategies
Reports to and submits matters for discussion to the Board of Directors and in relevant management meetings
Roles of other organizations
1.Secretarial Office
Handles administration for the committee (as well as the subcommittees and task force) and promotes sustainability strategies. -
2.Working Groups
Formulate and execute annual plans for respective issues, with input from relevant departments of Tokio Marine Holdings and members of Group companies. -
3.Task force
Organizes members of projects tasked with strengthening short-term initiatives.
*A body aimed at building consensus among Group companies regarding important DE&I themes (e.g., fostering female executive candidates, making companies more inclusive)

Policy to Address Environmental and Social Risks
Tokio Marine Group pays attention to the risks of negatively impacting the environment and society, and undertakes transactions (insurance underwriting, investments and financing) based on the customer’s consideration for the environment and society. We position the mitigation of negative environmental and social impacts resulting from our business activities as an important management issue that must be addressed and will take appropriate measures while referencing international principles of conduct and guidelines.
Tokio Marine Group has formulated the Tokio Marine Group Basic Policies for Compliance and the Tokio Marine Group Code of Conduct. The Company has maintained the Compliance System for the entire Group in accordance with the Policy and the Code. Also, the Company has built a structure to ensure group-wide compliance by periodically monitoring the status of compliance within the Group; receiving reports from Group companies on important compliance matters; discussing these matters among the Board of Directors, Management Meeting and the Internal Control Committee; and providing guidance and support about the activities of Group companies when necessary.
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
Tokio Marine Group is committed to Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) as a pillar of management to promote the Mid-Term Business Plan. In today’s uncertain and rapidly changing political, economic and social climate, we must constantly watch for the emergence of new risks and take appropriate action. From this point of view, we are not limited to conventional risk management for the purpose of risk mitigation and avoidance, but are comprehensively assessing risk in qualitative and quantitative ways.
Security (Information & Cyber)
Sustainability in the Value Chain
Tokio Marine Group is executing sustainability initiatives that are integrated into the value chain. As for sustainability in the value chain, we are engaging in three initiatives. These are value chain management in which we fulfill our social responsibilities together with business partners; promotion of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives among customers, projects and companies, to whom and which we provide products and services; and sustainable investments that give due consideration to ESG issues in investment activities.
Sustainability Reports & Publications
Sustainability Booklet
Learn more about our Group's sustainability strategy and latest initiatives across material issues.
TCFD Report
Learn more about our climate change initiatives in line with the TCFD recommendations.
Sustainability Report
Learn more about our sustainability initiatives with our purpose at its core.
TNFD Report
Learn more about our biodiversity initiatives in line with the TNFD recommendations.
Human Capital Report
Learn more about our approach and initiatives to maximize people's capabilities.