Facilitate and Foster Innovation through Digitalization

Initiatives in Facilitating and Fostering Innovation through Digitalization

Going beyond merely paying insurance claims in the event of an emergency, we are proactively utilizing digital technologies to provide customers with products and services that lead to the prevention of emergencies, minimization of damage, speedy recovery and prevention of the recurrence of an emergency. We will also enhance countermeasures against the new risks arising in step with the progress of digital innovation. Further, we have positioned the data we accumulate daily and our digital technologies as a source of our competitive advantage to produce results globally.

Related SDG Goals

  • 8. Decent work and economic growth
  • 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Progress of Material Issues

  • Launch specific initiatives for the comprehensive disaster prevention and mitigation solutions business, such as Real Time Hazard Mapping, with the disaster prevention consortium CORE led by the Group as its engine (from August 2023)
  • Achieve double-digit growth in cyber-risk insurance each fiscal year (Tokio Marine & Nichido)
  • Combined ratio of 92.5% as per the fiscal 2023 plan (Tokio Marine & Nichido, 0.9-percentage-point improvement from fiscal 2020 on a normalized basis)

Case Studies

Response to Cyber Risks

Cyberattacks have become increasingly sophisticated and elaborate in recent years, and there is a concern that they will grow further in numbers. In response, Tokio Marine & Nichido has been providing Cyber Risk Insurance since 2015. We also opened Tokio Cyber Port, an online information lounge on cybersecurity countermeasures, in 2020 to raise awareness among companies and other customers about cybersecurity and encourage them to strengthen countermeasures. In April 2022, the company expanded its Emergency Hotline Service, a free consultation service for cyber risk-related problems, and by making it available around the clock, 365 days a year, set up a system to provide one-stop support to customers.