Improve Disaster Resilience
Initiatives in Improving Disaster Resilience
For Tokio Marine Group, whose home market is Japan, one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world, improving disaster resilience by resolving disaster issues and mitigating damage is a critical area where Tokio Marine Group can show it's value. Tokio Marine Group aims to go beyond merely paying insurance claims in the event of an emergency and transform into a company that supports its customers at all times. We will do this by providing peace of mind before and after an emergency, such as preventing emergencies, reducing stress when an emergency occurs, supporting quick recovery and preventing the recurrence of emergencies.
Related SDG Goals
Progress of Material Issues
major cities13
*For details, see Sustainability Report 2023 p.15.
Case Studies
Accelerating and Increasing the Sophistication of Claims Payments
In fiscal 2022, Tokio Marine & Nichido introduced a system to automate the process from receiving loss reports to notifying the amounts of claims payments for certain claims for natural disasters. Automatically going through the claims filing procedures for disaster-affected customers, the system has allowed us to make insurance claims payments sooner than the conventional method. Moreover, the automation has eliminated some clerical work and allowed us to deal with customers in a more detailed manner when in-person response is required.
In 2022, major natural disasters continued to occur, such as an earthquake off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture in March, a hail storm in the Kanto region in June and typhoons Hinnamnor, Nanmadol and Talas in September. For these five disasters, Tokio Marine & Nichido paid claims amounting to some 130 billion yen* for a total of more than 150,000 cases. Utilizing the best mix of people’s ability and digitalization, we will strive for even earlier restoration of the livelihoods and business activities of disaster-affected customers.
*Claims paid for the five disasters, including an earthquake, on the basis of original insurance, not taking into account reinsurance.
News & Insights
Sustainability Reports & Publications
Sustainability Booklet
Learn more about our Group's sustainability strategy and latest initiatives across material issues.
TCFD Report
Learn more about our climate change initiatives in line with the TCFD recommendations.
Sustainability Report
Learn more about our sustainability initiatives with our purpose at its core.
TNFD Report
Learn more about our biodiversity initiatives in line with the TNFD recommendations.
Human Capital Report
Learn more about our approach and initiatives to maximize people's capabilities.