Take Climate Action

Initiatives in Taking Climate Action

Climate change is a critical global issue that threatens the security and safety of customers and society. It also affects the insurance industry directly. Therefore, Tokio Marine Group has been pushing forward with a range of initiatives by positioning climate change as the most important issue that should be addressed head on as an insurance company operating businesses globally and as an institutional investor. At the same time, we regard it as a business opportunity for achieving growth and provide insurance products that promote the widespread use of renewable energy and offer investments and financing on such themes as climate action.

Related SDG Goals

  • 7. Affordable and clean energy
  • 13. Climate action

Progress of Material Issues

Target: Reduce the Group's GHG emissions
60% reduction (vs. fiscal 2015)
Achieve carbon neutrality through engagement (dialogue) with corporate customers
About35billion yen
Decarbonization-related insurance underwritten
(Fiscal 2022 results)
10consecutive years
Achieve carbon neutrality
About109billion yen
Sustainable and themed investments and financing
(balance as of the end of fiscal 2022)

Case Studies

Achieving Carbon Neutrality through the Provision of Products and Services and Investments and Financing

Initiatives as an Insurance Company

We are working to develop and provide insurance products and services that will help promote the widespread use of offshore wind, solar and other renewable energy and storage batteries, as well as the utilization of hydrogen. In fiscal 2022, the amount of decarbonization-related insurance underwritten in the entire Group totaled about 35 billion yen.

Initiatives as an Institutional Investor

We are promoting sustainable and themed investments and financing. In fiscal 2022, we invested in Japan’s first blue bonds, and the balance of investments and financing as of the end of fiscal 2022 stood at roughly 109 billion yen. We also set up a new framework of impact investment in May 2022, and the commitments amounted to about 13 billion yen at the end of fiscal 2022.

Initiatives as an Asset Manager

We provide investment products for institutional investors, which make diversified investments in solar, wind, biomass, water, geothermal and other renewable energy power generation facilities in Japan and provide investment income to investors from sales of electric power.