Uploaded "Integrated Annual Report 2022"

September 27, 2022
Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc.
6-4 Otemachi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
TSE code number: 8766

We published our first integrated report in fiscal 2015 to provide a balanced understanding of our sustainable value creation capabilities from both financial and non-financial perspectives.
Following this initial publication, we have continued to make improvements each year through a process of trial and error, and have now published our eighth integrated report, focusing on three main areas.

First, our Purpose Story has been reconfigured to be future-oriented and focused on climate change. In the 143 years since our founding, we have contributed to the resolution of social issues by consistently using our Purpose (our raison d’être or mission as an organization) as a springboard and have achieved sustainable growth as a result. As in last year’s edition, this integrated report is grounded in our Purpose Story, but to make it easier to read, the Management Discussion and Analysis and Forward-Looking Actions sections have been placed in a more prominent position than in previous reports. In addition, in focusing on climate change, an extremely important social issue for us and for all humankind, our aim is to provide a deeper, more immediate understanding of our ability to create sustainable value.

Second, we have attempted to provide a more detailed picture of our investments in intellectual capital and human capital. For us, intellectual capital is our digital technology and data, and our ability to execute mergers, acquisitions, and post-merger integration, whereas human capital is our employees. We have been investing in these areas for a long time and believe that reinforcing these investments is a key success factor for sustainable growth in the era of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity). Accordingly, to make our story of sustainable value creation more compelling, we thought that it was vital to disclose information on our intellectual capital and human capital.

Third, we have increased the levels of disclosure in the section on governance. Against a backdrop of Corporate Governance Code revisions and a string of corporate frauds and scandals, the expectations and interest of stakeholders including investors in corporate governance, an area that is directly linked to the maintenance and improvement of corporate value, have been growing stronger by the day. With this in mind, we have reinforced and supplemented our Purpose Story, which this time is focused on climate change, from a governance perspective in the section on Independent Directors’ Dialogue. We have also enhanced the quality and quantity of disclosure by focusing on areas of particular interest, such as initiatives to improve the effectiveness of the Board of Directors, incorporating a sustainability perspective into executive compensation, and initiatives to reduce business-related equities.

We would be grateful if you could use the Integrated Annual Report as a tool to deepen your understanding of Tokio Marine Group.

For further details, please visit the following website:

> “Integrated Annual Report 2022”
: www.tokiomarinehd.com/en/ir/download/annual_report.html