Uploaded "Integrated Annual Report 2017"

August 31, 2017
Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc.
2-1 Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
TSE code number: 8766

Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc. (President and Group CEO: Tsuyoshi Nagano, hereinafter “the Company”) has released the English version of the “Integrated Annual Report 2017” on the Company’s website.

This Integrated Annual Report intends to be of help for all readers to further understand Tokio Marine Group. The report comprehensively compiles not only financial information such as business results but also non-financial information including management vision, management strategies, human resources, group governance, products and services and CSR activities, etc, that are the foundation of our continued value creation.

For further details of the “Integrated Annual Report 2017”, please visit the following website.